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Mining Affected Area

DMFT Gumla in consultation with different stakeholders has identified around 50 villages across the district both affected by Bauxite & Stone mines, Laterite (Aluminium ore) mining as well as sand and stone mining activities. With the increase in mining related activities it is obvious that the mining affected area will increase in the days to come.

Directly Affected Area

Where direct mining-related operations such as excavation, mining, blasting, beneficiation and waste disposal (overburdened dumps, tailing ponds, transport corridors etc.), etc. are located

  • Villages and gram panchayats within which the mines are situated and are operational. Such mining areas may extend to neighboring village, block or district on even state.
  • An area within such radius from a mine or cluster of mines as may be specified by the State Government, irrespective of whether this falls within the district concerned or adjacent district.
  • Villages in which families displaced by mines have resettled/rehabilitated by the project authorities.
  • Villages that significantly depend on the mining areas for meeting their economic needs and have usufruct and traditional rights over the project areas, for instance, for grazing, collection of minor forest produce etc. should be considered as directly affected areas.
Indirectly Affected Area

Those areas where local population is adversely affected on account of economic, social and environmental consequences due to mining-related operations. The major negative impacts of mining could be by way of deterioration of water, soil and air quality, reduction in stream flows and depletion of ground water, congestion and pollution due to mining operations, transportation of minerals, increased burden on existing infrastructure and resources.

Process for selecting the villages under mining affected area

Since, Gumla has 948 villages it was difficult to shortlist the number of villages coming under directly and indirectly affected areas. To get it conveniently done and have authenticity of the data the below mentioned method was followed:

  • Discussion meeting with the Management committee members.
  • Development of a format to cater all the necessary information.
  • Orientation cum consultation Meeting with the available COs and Assistant Collector
  • Issuing letter to all the CO’s (Circle officers) with the specific format.
  • Regular follow-ups for addressing the queries if any and meeting the timelines
Equity in DMFT Fund
Total allocation of proposed plan : 47.72 Crs
Total minning affected villages covered : 50 Villages