Gumla district has three (03) sub-divisions namely Gumla Sadar, Basia and Chainpur. There are 12 blocks, 159 Gram Panchayats and 948 villages in the District.
No. of Sub-Divisions | 3 |
No. of Municipalities/Corporation | 1 |
No. of Blocks | 12 |
No. of Gram Panchayats | 159 |
No. of Revenue villages | 948 |
Total area | 5327Sq. Km |
Total Population | 10,25,213 |
Rural | 960,132 |
Urban | 65,081 |
Male | 514,390 |
Female | 510,823 |
Rural Population % | 93.65 |
Schedule Caste % | 03.17 |
Schedule Tribe % | 68.94 |
Area under Forest | 1350Sq. Km |
Population Density | 191 (Per Sq. Km) |
Development Blocks | 12 |
Villages | 948 |
Gram Panchayats | 159 |
Urban Bodies | 1 |
Forest cover | 27.0% |
Literacy Rate | 69.73% |
Sex Ratio | 993 |